I loved your class - it was a memorable and wonderful part of our Maui trip. I just "Liked" you on Facebook. Thank you for teaching and I hope I can make it back to Maui and see you again!
- Lauryn M.
Bellingham, WA
Loved your classes while on vacation in Maui. Sadly I have to leave paradise. I will look for you on Facebook...Mahalo for a wonderful time in Maui!
- Jenn B.
Chicago, IL
Thanks for your yoga info...I really enjoyed my yoga sessions with you on the lawn and also referred you to my friend and her daughter (who attended) and really liked it. Maybe I'll get back to Maui another time and come to your class!
Take care,
- JC C.
Thanks so much for the wonderful yoga classes. I was so happy to find yoga on the ocean. A great way to start the day and such a lovely space. Sara you are a great yoga instructor.
- Norma T.
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Aloha Sara. Terry & I really enjoyed your yoga classes. I have continued classes here but it is not as nice a setting as overlooking the beach in Maui. We intend to visit Maui next year for 3 weeks so we will look forward to participating in your classes again at that time.
1 year later...
Aloha Sara,
Sure wish we could join you this morning for yoga. Unfortunately we are in windy, wet Vancouver & any yoga will be done indoors. It was great seeing you again we both really enjoyed your classes (as we did last year) & look forward to joining you again next year.
Warmest regards & Happy Thanksgiving.
- Peter & Terry M.
Richmond, BC
I was just telling my friends about your classes. They'll be traveling to Maui over the new year. Your classes made a huge difference in my life.
Thanks so much!
- Kathy K.
Tokyo, Japan
I'm missing your class so much!...Mahalo for being such a big part of my positive experience of Hawai'i, Sara. It really was a life changing time for me and now that I'm back in Australia the shift in myself is even more apparent. Thank you for facilitating part of my physical and mental transformation. Your classes really helped me to gain more connection with our Mother Earth and myself. You give such a beautiful gift to the world with every class.
Lots of love and a hui hou,
- Kate G.
Melbourne, Australia
Just wanted to thank you for your beautiful classes, not only did it help in my prep for tomorrow's Hana relay, but the time of the
class is one of very few that fit my schedule and needs.
I will certainly be back soon.
- David C.
Maui, HI
I wanted to let you know that the two classes I did make it to were definitely highlights in my vacation that was riddled with big
ups and downs. I quite enjoyed it. For the next time I visit Maui, I definitely want to do it again. Thank you and all the best to you
in your endeavors!
- Tricia M.
Reno, NV
I just wanted to send you a note thanking you (again) for the two classes I attended; I really liked the "flow" of them and your
instruction was excellent. The atmosphere of doing yoga in front of the ocean was unbelievable - I still can't believe how
awesome it was. Keep up the good work!
Going to your yoga on the ocean class was a highlight in my yoga career for sure.
Thanks again for the downward facing dog adjustments, I will keep them in mind for my yoga classes in Canmore.
9 months later...
Thank you for the great class today - it certainly was a very popular class! It was a great combination of standing and seated
sequences and I fully intend on being back!
- Phil D.
Calgary, AB
Thanks so very much for your classes. Michele and I really miss Maui and our morning yoga on the beach with you. Please
stay in touch...Mahalo!
- Bob S.
Walnut Creek, CA
Just a note to thank you for getting me interested in yoga. I participated in your classes on 9/19 & 9/20 (my first try at yoga).
Last week I joined a yoga class here. Hope to be back on the islands within the year and I will definitely be joining you on the grass.
Mahalo and Aloha,
- Karen P.
Lubbock, TX
I truly enjoyed meeting you and loved participating in your classes on the beach...Thanks again and we hope to see you again;
you are a lovely young lady.
- Michele S.
Walnut Creek, CA
I just thought I would drop you a line from Edmonton (I'm not on Facebook). The weather is still pretty nice here, no snow yet but there
is some ice on the ponds although not safe enough to skate yet. It was a pleasure to meet you and thank you so much for your yoga
instruction! Attending your classes definitely added to my holiday experience and hopefully I'll get to join you again sometime.
Take care and best wishes.
- Ada S.
Edmonton, AB